“C is a razor sharp tool, with which one can create an elegant and efficient program or a bloody mess” - from The Practice of Programming
Official website of the lecture
Timetable 2024 fall
English language lectures
time | room | lecturer | contact |
Tuesday 10.00-12.00 | D 0-822 Mogyoródi József | Brunner Tibor | |
Wednesday 14.00-16.00 | D 0-822 Mogyoródi József | Porkoláb Zoltán | |
Hungarian language lectures
time | room | lecturer | contact |
Monday 14.00-16.00 | D 0-821 Bolyai János | Porkoláb Zoltán | |
Tuesday 8.00-10.00 | D 0-822 Mogyoródi József | Brunner Tibor | |
Tuesday 10.00-12.00 | D 2-502 | Kozsik Tamás | |
Wednesday 16:00-17:30 | D 0-805 Fejér Lipót | Pataki Norbert | |
Planned schedule of the semester:
- Programming paradigms, imperative programming, C language basics. slides video
- Structure of C programs, types, static type system. slides video
- Operators, expressions, expression evaluation. slides video
- Statements. slides video
- Arrays, pointers, memory handling. slides video
- Declarations, scope, life. slides video
- Functions, parameter passing. slides video
- Struct, union, enum. slides video
- Dynamic memory handling. slides video
- The standard C library. slides video
- Implementation of a UNIX-like utility. video
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie: The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall (April 1, 1988). ISBN-13: 978-0131103627.
Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike: The Practice of Programming, 1st Edition. Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series (April 1, 1999). ISBN-13: 978-0201615869.